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MyCrypto - How to connect ERC-20 wallet


How to connect ERC-20 wallet

1. Please click on the "Add more MyCrypto" button located on the "Asset > MyCrypto" tab.

2. When the pop-up window appears, please check the checkbox to indicate your agreement, and then click on the OK button to proceed.

3. Click on the "Wallet" for the "MyCrypto option" selection.

4. Select your wallet and click on the "Next" button.

*Please note that the wallet list will be updated and only ERC-20 wallets are supported.

5. Enter the name and wallet address of your selected wallet, then click on the "Register" button to complete. Please note that besides ETH, USDT, and USDC which are supported by GROW and will be automatically displayed, any other tokens will need to be added separately.


How to connect other ERC-20 token

1. To add another token, click on the wallet associated with that token, and then click on the "Add Tokens" button.

2. Enter the token contract address of the token you want to add, which is located in your wallet, and then click on the "Next" button.

3. After confirming the information you have entered, click on the "Add New Token" button to load the token.

4. Now you can see your token in your 'MyCrypto wallet'.


About GROW

Singapore-based GROW offers top-notch reward rates so that clients can safely grow their wealth on a leading global platform for lending and borrowing crypto assets. Additional company information and details on the GROW app can be found by visiting



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